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We believe that we’re better when we work together. It’s not just what we do. It's who we are.


Who we are

Positive Gear is the product of life experiences, mistakes, successes, and labour. Having worked with youth in school leadership teams, and with youth-at-risk in the broader community, we’ve found that there are techniques to live life in the Positive Gear.

Through positive choice making, modelling, and sharing experiences through fun and games, the Positive S-Team shows how situations can be broken down into making positive decisions.

Learn More


So far…

We’ve travelled across North America spreading our story and message to youth, business leaders, educators, and fellow motivators.




We’ve spoken to students of all ages, identities, and backgrounds…



schools reached

In private and public, secular and non-secular schools across North America…




10 members, 10 years, 10 new talks. And we’re just getting started.


What we do

We offer a wide range of experiences. These include keynote presentations, workshops, life coaching, seminars, spiritual conversations, retreats, and conferences. Whether your team needs encouragement reaching their full potential through team building and leadership activities, or you have a cause that needs funding, get in touch with us today.

Learn about our programs


Positive Gear provides students with positive thinking, driving actions of leadership, and creating opportunities for positive change. A positive addition to any leadership event.

Greg Rogers, WE Foundation


It’s your turn

Whether you found us through a friend, a colleague, a family member, or experienced us in person, we want to bring our stories and message around the world. Whoever you are, whatever your background, we need your help to make it happen.


Let’s talk

Want to connect and brainstorm how we can work together? We do too.



Have a story to tell? We’d love to give you a platform to share it and inspire others.